Patrick Banholzer

Date/Time Job description
08/2021 - today Consultant for GitOps, DevOps, IT-Infrastructure - Freelancer
  - Building Automated infrastructure and deploy functionality continiously.
08/2022 - today Principal DevOps Engineer, Lead Continuous Tesing CoE - Mercedes-Benz AG
  - Responsible for developing and providing continuous testing environment
- CI/CD for ADAS ECU development
- Infrastructure & cloud expert

- Gitlab-CI
- Jenkins
- Bazel
- Grafana
- k8s/Containers
04/2019 - 07/2022 Senior Solution Architect, DevOps Engineer - Mercedes-Benz AG
  - Responsible for operations of 2300+ Ubuntu desktop systems
- CI/CD for Infrastructure / Infrastructure as Code
- IT infrastructure specialist

- Linux (Ubuntu / Suse)
- Saltstack
- Foreman
- Jenkins
- Containers
07/2011 - 03/2019 IT Manager & Systems Engineer - IT-Designers Gruppe / STZ-Softwaretechnik
  - Team Lead, Responsible for inhouse IT aswell as IT \services for customers
- Team of seven people
- KeyAccount Management
- Project Controlling
- Technical Lead

- Linux (Ubuntu / RHEL)
- VMware
- NetApp
- Puppet
- Microsoft Active Directory + Kerberos
- Squid
- Gitlab, Jenkins
- FlexLM
10/2009 - 07/2011 Systems Engineer Networking+Security+VoIP - badenIT GmbH
  - Responsible for Campus LAN (Cisco/Alcatel), Site2Site (MPLS) of badenova AG
- Operations of Firewalls (Checkpoint/Juniper/Cisco) & Proxies (Squid)
- Unified Communications (Cisco/Asterisk)